Saturday, July 11, 2009

Datawind PocketSurfer3 and UbiSurfer heading Stateside

Apparently, Datawind, the makers of the PocketSurfer and PocketSurfer2 has set their sights on the United States for their new Datawind PocketSurfer3 and UbiSurfer and are on track for an official USA release.

The Datawind PocketSurfer3 is an update to the PocketSurfer2 adding an improved display, and new user interface and commands a lower price tag of $249 with a year of free mobile usage.

The Datawind UbiSurfer is however a more traditional style netbook featuring a 7 inch display, 128MB of RAM and 1GB of storage although what processor it incorporates isn’t listed and commands a price tag of $199 with the same one year free mobile usage.

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