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The ITG report outlines that the costs for use of Power servers in a period of three years, are ranged from 25 to 33% less than the x86 servers. These costs include the acquisition and maintenance of hardware, the SS support and licenses, OSs and virtualization tools. These facts offer a perfect alternative for the clients that are currently on Solaris or HP/UX and face chips delays or cancellations. The Power Systems software displays capabilities like micro-partitioning and active memory sharing, provides higher utilization in the data center, that lead to reducing costs in energy, space, maintenance and software licenses.
ibm-power6-based-power-550The IBM Power Systems are globally consolidated offering lower training demands and shared knowledge that can be utilized across all the operations, reducing by 10% the annual costs. Power Systems hardware, software and services next to an aggressive sales and marketing activities enabled IBM to consolidate its number one position in the UNIX market. As to mid-sized database servers, the Power 550 offers great performance capacity and continuous application availability, enabling these servers to access data at a faster pace, keep apps running, and at the same time concentrate on the business.
The Power 550 Express provides an option to operate environments in a deskside or 4U rack-mount form factor. This platform is conceived to deliver noticeable business value to the businesses that are medium-sized; the number one performance of POWER6 processors, the choice of OSs, together with the virtualization capabilities already proved to exist in PowerVM, and support for energy management technologies bring the benefits of a conserved energy, hence costs reducing. It is all that one can ask for from Power 550 Express whether one needs a scalable complete business system with incorporated database and app server or high performing system for database or app serving.