Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Latest DXG-579V Affordable Video Camcorders

Do you like to get latest features of digital camcorder? If yes then here DXG-579V affordable video camcorders it is best for going in tour you can take this digital camcorder for catching favorite moments I have a passion of camera I would like to catch beautiful places of pictures for memorable life also I would also like to catch occasion clips like wedding clips, birthday party etc it is available in excellent quality of functions it is available in latest deign and color the DXG-579V is the finest company of camera that offers you great service. I have roofed the within your means video camcorders from DXG before, such as the DXG-567V and DXG-569V.

Now, there is the DXG-579V, an upright digital camcorder with 720p video capture and shoot still images up to 8 mega pixels. The DXG-579V is an erect appearance factor with a 2.4 inch rotation screen. It has including MOV file format at up to 1280 x 720 at 30 frames per second or records H.264 video. The user has the choice of via High Capacity SD cards. I frequently use the DXG-569V, and I discover it easy to use and easy to upload videos to You Tube.

The DXG-579V seems to be a step up from the 569V, and it seems akin to it has some kind of peculiar measure where the SD card is inserted. It has also including the ArcSoft TotalMedia Extreme video editing software, 2 GB SD card good for 2 hours of HD video, rechargeable batteries, AV cables of viewing on the television and protective pouch.

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