Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Acer Notebook Computer - Future

As you probably know already, I don't have a laptop. You didn't knew that? Well, now you do. Despite the fact I love most laptops, and I also hate some of them, I didn't get one because I don't need to be mobile, and when I'm away from home, the last thing I want is to go online. Yupp, I am one of those who love and hate technology and the Internet at the same time. Now, let's take a look at the future, shall we?

According to Acer, the future is pretty bright. The Acer notebook computer is already doing well, and despite a negative trend that's already being felt all over the notebook market, "shipments of mobile computers will increase to 200 million units, whereas shipments of netbooks will total 50 million with Acer leading the market."

That's what Acer's chairman thinks, while analysts disagree. JT Wang, the chairman of Acer Group, claims that notebooks shipments will grow 32% in 2009, up to 170 million units, and that 2010 will also see a solid growth, of no less than 17.6%, bringing the sales figure to an impressive 200 million units.
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I don't know why, but these numbers seem a bit ridiculous to me. I know the desktop computers are have been left in the dusk by notebook sales some time ago, but still... 2010 should be the end of the crisis we're going through, and I don't think notebook sales will continue to climb, at least not that fast.

In the same discussion about the Acer notebook computer and its sibling, the Acer netbook computer, it has been told that these little portables will give Acer about half of the market, accounting for 15/25 million units sold in 2009/2010(remember these are the netbooks, while the notebooks sold by Acer are a different deal, especially because they don't have half of that market...).

This is what Acer says, while analysts say ASUS, MSI, and them, all failed to reach their netbook shipment expectations. Well, that's too bad... I guess we'll live and see what happens with this cat-and-mouse game that's the IT market and the sales predictions connected to it.

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